St. Lukes National School

Soil Prepared

21st October 2022

20 volunteers

15m3 mulch

Soil Preparation Oct 2022


10th February 2023

25 volunteers

Planting February 2023

489 trees

??? Square Meters

Sponsored by :

Species planted

Canopy layer

Yew(Tuxus baccata). Quantity: 10.
Courtesy of the Irish Tree Council**

Understory layer

Rowan(Sorbus acuparia). Quantity: 25.
Courtesy of the Irish Tree Council**
Crab Apple(Malus sylvestris). Quantity: 25.
Courtesy of the Irish Tree Council**
Bird Cherry(Prunus padus). Quantity: 25.
Courtesy of the Irish Tree Council**
Birch Downey(Betula pubesence). Quantity: 25.
Courtesy of the Irish Tree Council**
Elder(Sambucus nigra). Quantity: 25.
Courtesy of the Irish Tree Council**
Spindle(Euonymus europaeus). Quantity: 25.
Courtesy of the Irish Tree Council**
Arbutus(Arbutus unedo). Quantity: 15.
Courtesy of the Irish Tree Council**


Whitethorn(Craetaegus monogyna). Quantity: 25.
Courtesy of the Irish Tree Council**
Blackthorn(Prunus spinosa). Quantity: 25.
Courtesy of the Irish Tree Council**
Dog Rose(Rosa canina). Quantity: 25.
Javier martin, Public domain, via Wikimedia Commons
Guelder Rose(Vibrium opulus). Quantity: 25.
Courtesy of the Irish Tree Council**
Holly(Ilex aqiufolium). Quantity: 25.
Courtesy of the Irish Tree Council**
Willow(Salix). Quantity: 25.
Courtesy of the Irish Tree Council**
Hazel(Corylus aveilana). Quantity: 25.
Courtesy of the Irish Tree Council**
Privet(Ligustrum vulgaris). Quantity: 25.
Rasbak, CC BY-SA 3.0, via Wikimedia Commons
Broom(Cytisus scoparius). Quantity: 25.
Common Broom, Cytisus scoparius (2) by Mike Kirby, CC BY-SA 2.0, via Wikimedia Commons
Variegated Holly(Ilex variagata). Quantity: 10.
Famartin, CC BY-SA 4.0, via Wikimedia Commons
Alder Buckthorn(Frangula alnus). Quantity: 25.
Courtesy of the Irish Tree Council**
Red flowering Hawthorn(Crataegus monogyna laevigata). Quantity: 25.
Wayfaring Tree(Vibrium lantana). Quantity: 25.
Opioła Jerzy, CC BY-SA 3.0, via Wikimedia Commons
Honey Suckle(Lonicera periclymenum). Quantity: 4.
Agnieszka Kwiecień, Nova, CC BY-SA 4.0, via Wikimedia Commons

**Image courtesy of the Irish Tree Council